To us, that means that we make it our jobs to know our products and communicate with our customers, instead of making you do all the legwork of looking through all kinds of lengthy listings that wear out your bifocals (if you can wear out bifocals!) and your mouse’s scroll wheel, never mind taking up your valuable time and brain power!
We do ask a few things from you, though. Hopefully, you don’t think it’s too much to ask, but here goes.
1. If you have something specific in mind, ask us about it!
Seriously, we’d hate to waste our knowledge of carabiner options and baseball cap sizing on unsuspecting and uninterested relatives at family reunions.
They may or may not be polite enough to listen, but we’d much rather share our expertise with people that are interested in particular products.
Besides, you know the old adage, “If you don’t use it, you lose it,” and we’d hate to have that detailed information disintegrate among our precious gray cells.
The only catch is that you have to ask; otherwise, we might assume that you’re as disinterested as Uncle Floyd, in which case, we’ll just let you take a nap in your lawn chair, instead. Just don’t blame us for that bucket of ice that found its way across your lap!
You can call us or fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you faster than a bald head can blister in the sun!
2. Let us know what you think!
Okay, so maybe the last time someone said that to you, you got fired, or your girlfriend burst out in tears, but that’s entirely beside the point. When we ask for honest feedback, we really want it.
We think our CFpromo site is lookin’ pretty snazzy and user-friendly, and all that, but maybe something about it isn’t working quite right, or you find the format confusing. If that’s the case, please don’t click away; instead, click here and tell us what you really think.
We have a great support system here in South Dakota, and we’re used to raw, unedited criticism, so let us have it! We’re willing to hear the truth in order to improve and keep our customers coming back; we’re relentless like that. Chalk it up to South Dakota cowboy-style grit.
Well, that was a technically a “couple” things, not a “few.” We really don’t ask a whole lot from you, do we? So that’s pretty much all we ask of you, and it pretty much boils down to communication. We don’t know how to help you if you don’t tell us. Someday, maybe we’ll include clairvoyance in the services we offer, but in the mean time, hopefully you can help us out so we can serve you better.
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