At CFpromo, headquartered in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, we love to eat. As a matter of fact most of our heavy thinking gets done on Thursday around 1PM when the entire staff sits down for our weekly staff meeting, which, of course, includes the food choice of a selected employee each week.
Whether the choice is sushi (did you know we make custom sushi shaped USB flash drives?), wings, pizza, subs or a host of other local delicacies, everyone enjoys the teamwork and idea sharing that takes place every Thursday.
One such discussion that led to a new line of business for CFpromo was a long discussion around the development of a new lineup of menus for several of our restaurant customers. We took laminated objects that most art teachers would grade as a D for a kindergarten art project, and literally created a line that includes everything from full leather masterpieces, to old school looking retro menus with natural looking antique qualities added. One such customer was Four Brothers Bar and Grill which is a regional establishment based in LeMars, Iowa. They decided it was time for a fresh look and we came up with a couple of options to ensure their customers could sense the type of quality they were about to eat, even before they ordered. As marketing experts and food gurus, we combined both aspects of our staff discussion to deliver a world class option that has now evolved into an entire lineup of menu options for our customers.
If you are in need of some classy, crazy or downright obnoxious menus for your restaurant, give us a call toll free at (877) 773-5779. If you are ever in LeMars, Iowa, be sure to enjoy the ice cream at Wells Blue Bunny, but stay for dinner and visit Four Brothers Bar and Grill too. The menu is as great as the food. Be the first to snap a quick picture of the new menus and send it to us at to win a cool prize!
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